Doremus Avenue Solid Waste Transfer Station
Newark, NJ
Neglia Group (Neglia) was selected to help contribute to the redevelopment occurring along Doremus Avenue in Newark by brining Surveying, Civil Engineering and Landscape Architectural services to a project located in the area. The subject site, the Doremus Avenue Solid Waste Transfer Station, is approximately nine acres and includes a 47,000 square feet waste transfer facility building with a scale house. Railroad and vehicular access is also on site. Below are the project details of the services that were provided.
- Neglia’s responsibilities included regulatory coordination and design for all site utilities, infrastructure, and site development
- Site utilities included: combines sanitary sewers, storm sewers, electric, gas, telephone, and site lighting
- Site development activities included: parking lot, site access, stormwater management and conveyances, and landscape design
- An important project component was integrating the design with existing combined sewer and with the railroad access design to the site